
Liberty International is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation promoted by the Covenant Women International. It is registered as a charity in the U.K. Liberty International seeks to change lives and communities through evangelism and empowerment programmes aimed at the body, mind and spirit.
Liberty International channels global aid and organizes programmes providing free medical care and clean water, promotes agricultural and business empowerment, establishes schools; and plants churches in many villages in Nigeria with a view to working in other African countries soon. The visioner and International President of Liberty International is Rev.(Mrs) Kate Jinadu.
The New Covenant Church has a virile women ministry known as COVENANT WOMEN INTERNATIONAL (CWI). The CWI seeks to minister to specific needs of women in the church and also stirs women up to take active ministry roles in the church .The International President of CWI is Rev (Mrs) Kate Jinadu while the current president in Nigeria is Mrs Adeola Oduwole.
Programmes of the CWI in Nigeria include monthly evangelism outreaches to villages; and a monthly well-woman clinic for medical check ups, advocacy training and talks on health and related issues. The Covenant Women International is also active in every Local branch of the Church.
As a family Church catering for all members of the family, the New Covenant Church has a very vibrant Children/Teenage ministry which aims at ensuring children meet and give commitment to Jesus Christ before they leave home as teenagers.
Every Local branch of NCC has a children/teenage Church while annual Teen Camps are organised in different regions of the country in August. In Ibadan, one of the locations, over a thousand teenagers gather for a period of four exciting and event-packed days every year. Teenagers look forward to the Camp every year.
The Sunday following May 27 (National Children’s day in Nigeria) is usually designated as Children/Teenagers’ Day where worship services in our Local branches are conducted by the children and teenagers.
Our ministry to the youth seeks to encourage them to discover their life’s purpose, identify their gifts and fulfil their calling early in life.
Most of our branches pursue this through Youth Fellowships while in some branches there are full-fledged, semi-autonomous Youth Churches holding their worship services every Sunday.
Annually, the youths organise a National Youth Convention at Ibadan which brings hundreds of Youths from all over the Country together in a 3-day power-packed time of praise, word-feast, sports competition, fun and fellowship. Some of our youths in their thirties are now entrusted with the responsibility of pastoring some of our branches.
The New Covenant Campus Fellowship operates in close to a hundred campuses of Universities and other tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Through the Campus Fellowship, many youths get saved and are ignited for great exploits for the Lord even after their graduation. The National Coordinator of NCCF is Taiwo Enigbokan.
The New Covenant Bible College is a major training arm of the Church for ministers. It has on-site campuses in Ibadan, Lagos, Abuja, Ile Ife, Oyo, Osogbo, Port Harcourt and Jos. It also runs online courses which can be attended from any where in the world. Provost of the Bible College is Rev. Dr. Akinwale Johnson.
The Church has a modern cemetery – Machpelah Memorial Park and Gardens on Eruwa Road, near Ibadan. It is about twenty minutes drive from Eleyele in Ibadan. This facility is also available for Non-NCC members who are Christians.
The Machpelah Memorial Park is being managed by Pastor Aderemi Bello (Tel. 08032180233)