Text: Genesis1:26-37,2:1-10,3:1-19. John 10:10
The thief does not come, except to steal, and to kill and to destroy: I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” John10:10
The thief mentioned in our text is none other than satan, or the devil and he has a three-fold ministry, as seen above, that of stealing, killing and destroying.
STEALING: Sometimes, the devil comes to steal what you have, and have been enjoying. At other times, what he steals is something you’ve never enjoyed, never had e.g. good health (this can be more dangerous because the individual may not even know what he is missing).
However, the greatest thing that the thief can steal in a man’s life is his joy. Once he successfully takes away your joy, it is just a matter of time for him to get other things in your life. This is because your joy is your strength, (Neh 8:8-10). So when he takes it away, you become discouraged, weak, downcast and therefore cannot possess your possessions. However, he cannot take it away except you allow him.
KILLING: To kill is to deal the final blow, to render irredeemable. Satan delights in killing relationships, hopes, aspirations, visions and every other thing he finds available in a man’s life, as long as they will allow him.
DESTROYING: This means to damage something so badly that it is no longer useful, or works. Satan’s mission in every life is to make it redundant and of no use, but once again, he can only do it if you give him an open door. This open door comes through sin, carelessness, mistakes, and misdeeds, (Isaiah 5:1-5). As God’s child, you should not allow him. Three things to note about the thief are:
- Many times, he comes like a friend
- He is very patient, devises long term plans until the hedge is broken through sin
- He is very wicked and deadly, does not leave room for recovery when he attacks
But thank God, the story does not end here! Jesus, our friend and’ redeemer came to give us life, abundant life. He; came to provide restoration and a new beginning for every man
Many times, when Jesus comes, He does not look like a friend, because the solution or instruction He gives may look difficult or degrading, but when obeyed, that is the route to abundant life.
He does not just give life, but abundant life. He gives overflowing blessings, “more than enough.” Is your joy stolen? Claim it back in Jesus’ name, for that is your strength. Believe Him also for abundance and you will not only be blessed, but also become a channel of blessing.