Mighty Weapon of Mass Destruction by Rev Olufemi Oyelade

Text; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God, for pulling down strongholds. Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Believers are continually engaged in warfare/battle, for which we must be appropriately armed. The weapons available for us are peculiar, according to our text, for the war being talked about, apart from being spiritual, can be likened to a civil war in which the warring parties are within close range of one another.


  • The enemy is within, or close to you
  • Everyone is engaged in this war, whether he is aware of it or not.
  • It is a spiritual war-not physical, and so must be fought with spiritual weapons.
  • The battle ground is your mind.
    i. Ordinary thoughts
    ii. Reasonable thoughts
    iii. Compelling thoughts/high thing
    iv. Strongholds
    We all fight a spiritual civil war in our minds everyday. The mighty weapon for fighting this battle is the word of God – you must be a man or woman of the word, it must become a part of you.
    i. Ordinary Thoughts: These come in form of flashes or occasional thoughts. When you give attention to them, they keep coming and building up. The warfare has started…you should rather reject the thoughts, and replace them with what God’s word says concerning you.
    ii. Reasonable Thoughts: At this stage, the thoughts are gradually growing in dimension, and are accompanied by undeniable reasons/facts that prove it.
    You must cast it down with God’s word, and never verbalise negative thoughts that are sown into your mind by the enemy.
    iii. Compelling Thoughts/High Thing: The initial ordinary thought rapidly progresses to a high thing or compelling thought because of:
  • The time lapse
  • The sheer severity of the problem
  • Experience
    iv. Stronghold: This is a stage where the problem has captured you, and you have totally given up, and given in to a state of perpetual sadness. This may eventually lead to suicidal thoughts, but you should not give it room, rather pull it down with God’s word.
    The word of God is a mighty weapon of mass destruction of satanic strongholds in the lives of men. Immerse yourself in it day and night, and you will continually be a victor.
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