Text: John19 v 38-42, John 20 v 1-18
“After this, Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly, for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him permission. So he came and took the body of Jesus“ John 19 v 38.
The death and resurrection of Jesus is the hallmark of love. Love has different dimensions:
a) Phileo – Philanthropic love
b) Eros – erotic love between a male and female
c) Storge – Love among family members
d) Agape – Unconditional, unmerited, unending love. Always without expectation of reward – (it is the most superior type of love.)
Jesus exhibited this unconditional love when He died at the cross for humanity. He did it without expecting any gain or reward.
Some of His disciples too showed this same exceptional love in attending to Jesus’ body at His death:
i) JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA: A council member, rich and highly connected, (he had free access to the governor)
a) He used his connection for Jesus
b) He gave his resources (bought fine linen) and his future (his tomb) for Jesus. All these he did without expectation of reward.
ii) NICODEMUS: Also a highly connected man (Council member) and Pharisee. He bought / provided the spices for the burial.
iii) MARYMAGDALENE: Though not rich, she gave her time whole-heartedly, coming to see / check on the body of Jesus.
Most of the disciples showed uncommon love to their Saviour, even at the point of His death.
Do you love Jesus ? Do you appreciate all He has done for you ? If you love Him:
•You will love your fellow men (1 John 4 v 7-11)
•You will keep His commandments / obey Him (John 14 v 15)
Jesus gave his life for you. Do you truly love Him?
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